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Is Anybody Awake? Don't Miss the Boat on Stellar!

Sometimes I wonder if anybody out there is paying attention to big picture in the crypto world. Granted, there are a lot of things to keep up with but there are a few things that should just register as earthquake level news... Take for instance the announcement by Jesse Land on March 18, 2019 introducing IBM’s Blockchain World Wire. According to Jesse, money should move as fast as email for senders and receivers worldwide. On IBM’s World Wire, this dream could soon become a reality. IBM has 72 countries, 47 currencies, and 44 banking endpoints collaborating on top of a Stellar Lumens blockchain to achieve the feat of bringing real-time cross border transactions for small and large financial institutions all over the world to fruition.

When we did into this, one has to ask why did IBM, one of the most seasoned technological powerhouses the world has ever known chose Stellar Lumens. Why not Ripple (XRP)? What about Bitcoin (BTC). There are a few others they could have considered but they chose Stellar for this feat. Even more interesting is the notion that once World Wire is live, there are some out there that seem to think that the conversion from fiat to Stellar and then back to another fiat will somehow not affect the value of the coin. Isn’t it a foregone conclusion that adoption is the perhaps the largest influencer blockchain project’s value, i.e. a coin’s value? very well change our lives. What am I missing here? Let’s see, how much money is currently exchanged all over the globe to conduct cross border transactions? If Stellar is used as a go between for fiat currencies during a cross border transaction, wouldn’t the next evolutionary step be to clip the fiat currencies off both ends? Surely, the 44 banking endpoints sitting on top of the Stellar network are capable of accepting Stellar straight up. Right? Wait a minute. Wouldn’t this drive financial institutions to start acquiring Stellar? Better yet, wouldn’t it be beneficial for World Wire clients to just acquire Stellar? Either way, wouldn’t this increase the market cap of Stellar exponentially?

Sometimes, we can miss the boat when we don’t pay attention. You know the old adage, “you can’t see the forest for the trees”. Well, if my earlier questions didn’t clear some of the wilderness out of the way for you, consider the first point if nothing else. IBM Chose Stellar! Isn’t that enough to learn a little more about Stellar! There’s over 2000 coins out here but they chose Stellar Lumens. OK... I’m done with it. I got a boat to catch.